Month: September 2016

Councilor Gordon does not speak for me when it comes to conservation & sustainable resource use

After reading the desire of Ward 2 Councilor James Gordon to “kick the asses” of a provincially regulated, private employer of more than 300 people, out of our region this week, I felt the need to state unequivocally that Councilor Gordon does not speak for me on this issue.

It’s one thing to relay our community’s concerns regarding the conservation of water and the current Permit to Take Water process, but it’s another thing entirely to create (as some have described) “hyper-rhetoric and division” around the issue.  Division that (as Gordon suggests) could lead to hundreds of Guelph residents, neighbors and friends, losing their jobs.   My thoughts on this file are as follows.  Continue reading

Ward 1 Town Hall | September 28, 7-9 at City Hall

Town Hall Image

Also joining us will be guests Mike Schreiner (Green Party Leader of Ontario) and Kithio Mwanzia (President and CEO of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce) for a facilitated community discussion on updating Guelph’s Community Energy Initiative.

Please consider joining us.

Dan Gibson
Ward1 City Councilor
[email protected]
519-827-6407 (c)
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