Month: March 2017

Exploring Pathways for Aligning the Corporation of Guelph with the Low Carbon Economy

When it comes to environmental initiatives my desire is for a consistent message from elected leaders.

That our focus, first and foremost, is to be stewards of the community’s good will toward the environment and to seek “common currency” (i.e. social, fiscal and environmental) in our initiatives that ensures transparency, trust and broad support.

And while I have no interest in repeating mistakes of the past in Guelph that included unattainable and unaccountable visions; my focus remains on rebuilding the community’s trust in our municipal governments ability to implement fiscally responsible climate change initiatives that are achievable, transparent and reflect common currency.

In this context, please see attached an Agenda Item I will be bringing forward during the June Committee of the Whole Meeting of Council for discussion.

As always if you have any questions or concerns, or would like to discuss further, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Dan Gibson
Ward 1 City Councilor
[email protected]
519-827-6407 (c)

Plan “B” for East End Commercial Development Gets Nod from Guelph Council

Courtesy Doug Hallett | Guelph Mercury Tribune | March 7, 2017

A conceptual illustration of the mixed-use node identified at Starwood Drive and Watson Parkway from a City of Guelph display board for the official plan. The existing Guelph Public Library branch can be seen at right.

Council has thrown its weight behind a “Plan B” for commercial development in Guelph’s east end, in the event that the designated mixed-use node at the corner of Watson Parkway and Starwood Drive fails to shape up as a commercial centre.

Council’s committee of the whole (COW) unanimously approved a slightly amended version of Ward 1 Coun. Dan Gibson’s motion calling for city staff to consider opportunities for neighbourhood commercial development along York Road east of Victoria Road.

Then, on a 11-1 vote, COW approved Gibson’s additional clause directing staff to report back on commercial opportunities along York as they emerge or at established reporting times for a major city-wide commercial policy review that’s underway.

Gibson told Monday’s meeting of COW that the city’s “Plan A” is still to see a supermarket built to act as a commercial anchor at the Watson-Starwood node, where a Guelph Public Library branch now sits near a lot of vacant land. However, Gibson said he fears this designated node might be “collapsing.” And if Plan A doesn’t work out as hoped, “then we as council are ensuring we have Plan B” in looking at neighbourhood commercial development on York Road, he said. Continue reading

Loblaw ‘unco-operative’ in Guelph’s east end, councillor claims

Courtesy | Doug Hallett of the Guelph Mercury Tribune

March 1, 2017

City hall seems to be losing patience with Loblaw Companies Ltd. over the lack of a Zehrs supermarket that could act as an anchor for commercial development in Guelph’s east end.

On a 10-2 vote, council agreed on Monday, Feb. 27, to refer a motion by Ward 1 Coun. Dan Gibson about east-end commercial development to the March 6 meeting of council’s committee of the whole for a full debate on the issue. But preliminary debate that happened on Monday clearly showed city hall’s frustration with the lack of progress in getting commercial development at a designated mixed-use node at the corner of Watson Parkway and Starwood Drive, where Loblaw owns a lot of land. Coun. Bob Bell, who also represents Ward 1, said the city’s plans for commercial development near this intersection hasn’t resulted so far in much more than a public library branch. And, he added, Loblaw is pressing city hall for more residential rather than more commercial development in this area. “Loblaw is at our door as we speak, wanting more residential” and wanting to “snuff out” what remains of the designated commercial land in the area, Bell charged. Loblaw is “a developer who has been unco-operative” in regards to the city’s development goals for the east end, Bell told council. Continue reading

Update on New Traffic Controls Coming to Ward 1 in 2017

Traffic control and speed on our roads has been a significant file for me since being elected in 2014 and I want to thank the many residents who have been strong advocates in this regard. Whether it be school zone safety, volume control,  pedestrian crossings or traffic signals, we are seeing signs of progress.

Here are some updates (Provided by City Staff) on traffic related files advancing in 2017.

1) All way Stop at Watson and Speedsvale
“It is our intent to have the all way stop signs, plus associated pavement markings in place by end of April of this year (2017).”

2) New Traffic Signals at the intersection of Eastview and Watson
“Due to the recommendations from the existing Environmental Impact Study (EIS) that was undertaken previously in the area we will not be able to have the new traffic signals installed and operational until August of this year as we are undertaking our work in conjunction with other capital work taking place on Eastview. It is our focus to have the signals operational before school is back in September.”
 Please see the recommendations from the study below.
9. It is recommended that construction take place between August and March (i.e. outside the breeding cycle of April through July) to allow amphibians to complete their breeding cycle;
10. If construction must take place during any part of the breeding cycle, wildlife enclosure fencing (e.g. silt fence) should be used to prevent amphibians and reptiles from entering the active construction area. An on-site environmental monitor should survey the fence daily to ensure the fence is functioning as intended. Daily surveys of the construction zone should be completed first thing in the morning and any wildlife should be moved outside the construction zone.

3) New (Temporary) Traffic Signal at the intersection of York and Elizabeth

“We estimate that the traffic signal installation (temporary design) at York at Elizabeth would be completed by August/September of this year.”  Full installation of traffic signal (permanent) will take place in during the future reconstruction of York Road. 

Again, thanks to the many of you who have been advocating with me on these files.  We’re moving forward together!


Dan Gibson
Ward 1 City Councilor
[email protected]
519-827-6407 (c)
@DanGibsonCllr (on twitter)



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