Category: Uncategorized (Page 10 of 12)

My Thoughts on the 2016 Non Tax Supported Operating and Capital Budget

As a commitment to transparent decision making I wanted to pass along my thoughts on the recently approved 2016 non-tax supported operating and capital budget. More specifically, the 4% increase in Guelph’s Water/Wastewater rates. You may remember I did not support this increase in 2015.  To read more on this please see

In terms of this year however, I wanted to share my rationale for supporting the 4% increase in 2016. The following were the primary factors influencing my decision. Continue reading

Motion to reconsider St. George’s Square Conceptual Design

On Monday Oct 26th my motion for reconsidering the St. George’s Square conceptual design comes to a council vote. Thank you to all who have been involved to date and for voicing your thoughts, opinions and concerns with me. If you haven’t already done so, please consider submitting your thoughts on the matter to [email protected]  in order to have your opinions included on the public record.

See below a recent article from the Guelph Mercury outlining the motion. 

My desires for this motion are simple; 1) increase public input and 2) build consensus on this important capital project.  A project that was endorsed by the previous term of council and projected to cost $6.7M+ to construct and $160,000+ annually to maintain and operate.

image image

As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly.


Dan Gibson
Ward 1 City Councilor
[email protected]
519-827-6407 (c)


September 2015 update from City staff on status of York/Victoria Intersection

As many of you know the York Rd/Victoria Rd intersection in our Ward has been in a state of disrepair for some time now.  Thank you to all who have expressed their concerns to me regarding traffic safety and pedestrian saftey at this intersection.

As an update, please see below the latest from staff (received today) regarding the York/Victoria intersection.


The fenced off portion of the intersection does not belong to the City – it belongs to Imperial Oil. The City has been attempting to negotiate the purchase of the portion it needs to complete the intersection, and is trying to do so in a way that is fair and equitable for both the City and Imperial Oil. Until then, the City does not own this property and it cannot move forward with restoring the intersection.”

As always please feel free to contact me with any further questions.

With Barrie and Guelph, maybe we should compare Apples to Oranges | Courtesy Guelph Mercury

Aug 19, 2015
With Barrie and Guelph, maybe we should compare Apples to Oranges
Guelph Mercury
By Bob Moore

An Aug. 14 guest column by Guelph Coun. Phil Allt (“Barrie to Guelph comparisons are an apples to oranges thing”) suggests that comparisons between Guelph and Barrie are “virtually without foundation.”

Since I am on record for making these comparisons, with all due respect to Allt, I would like to defend the comparisons that I have made based on the data found in the municipal study conducted by BMA Management Consulting Inc. Continue reading

East End Development Ramps Up | Courtesy Guelph Tribune

Published on Thursday, September, 03, 2015
East End Development Ramps Up
By Doug Hallett
Guelph Tribune
A Ward 1 city councillor is lauding a newly unveiled plan for a commercial development on York Road east of Victoria Road, but says much more needs to be done to boost commercial services for the city’s rapidly growing east end.

“It’s an exciting project,” said Coun. Dan Gibson, but “I just see it as the tip of the iceberg.”

Continue reading

Ward 1 Fall eNewsletter

Greetings Friends,

As summer comes to an end and many of our households shift back into school mode, I wanted to update you on the summer that was at City Hall and start to bring your attention to Guelph’s 2016 budget season.

JulyIn many respects, July was defined by the month long Speedvale Avenue debate. Specifically, the debate on whether to maintain this important East/West corridor as a four lane road or reduce it to a single lane of traffic in each direction (with a center turn lane) in order to accommodate bike lanes. My sincere thanks to all who provided input and delegated to council. While I believe the decision to keep Speedvale four lanes was the right decision, I’m also taking comfort in knowing that a fully transparent, public engagement process was carried out. As I said at council in July, regardless of the outcome I was satisfied with the process and that is a credit to the many residents who made their voices heard. Continue reading

Regulating Donation Bins in Guelph

In May City Council approved the creation of a licensing category under the City’s Business Licensing Bylaw for donation bins.

Effective July 1, 2015, anyone operating a donation bin will be required to obtain a business licence and once licensed, they will need to comply with a number of regulations including obtaining permission of the property owner before placing the bin, posting signage on the bin indicating to residents where their donation will go and ensuring routine maintenance of the bin and surrounding area is conducted.  To provide bin owners, including charities time to obtain a licence and comply with the regulations, a grace period of one month prior to commencement of enforcement is being provided.

Enforcement is slated to begin August 3, 2015 and at this time, Bylaw Compliance staff will begin the process of removing and disposing of unlicensed bins from both public and private land, in an attempt to reduce the number of bins that will need to be removed by the City.  Starting in June Bylaw staff will begin posting notices on all bins affected by the new regulations.  These notices will provide general information on the new regulations but will also encourage owners of bins which will not meet the regulations to have them removed by July 1.    Ads will also be posted in the papers alerting residents/bin owners of the new regulation and an on-line reporting option will be made available to the public so that concerns may be made directly to Bylaw staff.

If you have any questions on this matter, please feel free to contact the City’s Bylaw Compliance office at (519) 836-7275.

Ward 1 Newsletter – June 4 Town Hall Meeting

Greetings Ward 1,

Please consider joining Councilor Bell and I for a Ward 1 Town Hall meeting this Thursday (June 4) from 7:00-9:00pm at the Ken Danby Public School Community Room located at 525 Grange Road in East Guelph.

For more information please visit the City event calendar at

There will be a short presentation updating residents on the 2015 city budget; efforts to improve traffic and road safety; the status of east end commercial development; the next steps for the IMICO property; and time for Q&A.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best Regards…..,

Dan Gibson | Ward 1 City Council
@Ward1Guelph (twitter)
[email protected]
(519) 827-6407


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