Category: Uncategorized (Page 12 of 12)

Guelph District Energy

District Energy as it relates to Guelph fulfilling it’s economic/environmental and employment potential is a file I am supportive of.  I believe publicly owned, district energy is a positive step and one that should be leveraged to create a real competitive advantage in Guelph.   Notwithstanding the fact that we MUST be open and transparent to residents on financial matters related to Guelph Municipal Holdings Inc an the investments they are directing/overseeing. Continue reading

The Environment, IMICO and the Guelph Factor

A passion for the environment is part of what makes Guelph such a unique and wonderful place to live. In saying this however, an environmental conscious without the counterbalance of economic and societal demands/benefits can quickly spiral into misguided ideology, a dysfunctional planning process and a break down in sustainable development. In these scenarios, innovative solutions to development can be impeded and the City building process can break down. Continue reading

Campaign Newsletter #1

Setting the Foundation 
Greetings Ward 1 residents;

For those of you receiving this newsletter, requesting a lawn sign, following my campaign on Twitter/Facebook or are volunteering, I sincerely thank you for your support.  Collectively we are pushing forward with October 27th in our sights. 

Ward 1 | No Longer Ignored! 
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Campaign Announcement – May 12, 2014

Dan Gibson Running for Ward 1 City Council – Press Release – May 12th, 2014

 Dan Gibson Dan Signing Forms

There’s a new voice in East Guelph and he seems bound and determined to provide renewed advocacy for Ward 1 on City Council this fall.

“I’m humbled by the challenge, but am truly excited to announce my candidacy for Ward 1 City Council,” says Dan Gibson.

When asked why he is running , Dan explained,  “My wife and I are proud to live here, proud to raise our family here, and we believe our concerns are commonly shared in Ward 1.  I want to serve and advocate for our community on Council.”

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Parking Downtown

The Need for Dedicated Go Train Parking Downtown

I want to be clear in saying the recent announcement regarding provincial investment in track upgrades along Kitchener/Waterloo/Guelph corridor to provide all day two way service to Toronto is a good thing. Who can argue with some extra sleep on the train in the morning, less time behind the wheel, more productive time on the commute home (for you workaholics), and most importantly more quality time at home with our families. These are all positives to commuting on GO. In saying this however, I’m resigned to feel like this announcement only begins to address some of the road blocks facing Guelph commuters. By this I mean, increasing service in Guelph only deals with the “supply” side of the equation; and skips over the equally important “demand” side.

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