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The idea of residents finding common currency (or interest) in Environmental Initiatives is very important to me.  Whether your currency is financial (ROI), social or environmental, your values should be reflected in the Community Energy Initiative (CEI).  This is how we as a council can ensure as broad based support as possible.

Looking back to April, 2016 I’m confident that the process (and debate) council undertook on updating the CEI will prove to be successful.  With strong fiscal and environmental performance metrics embedded in the plan; moving forward we can now report back to citizens how the CEI is progressing and whether we are achieving our stated fiscal and environmental goals.

Update on Guelph’s Existing District Energy System

Guelph, Ont., July 18, 2016 – Guelph’s existing district energy nodes in the downtown core and Hanlon Creek Business Park will continue to operate with no further expansions at this time, as directed by Council this evening.

The financial and technical performance of the existing nodes was evaluated by Deloitte and FVB Energy Inc. to develop a business case for the future direction of district energy in Guelph. The business case outlined three options: exit the current investments; operate the current nodes as is; and preserve the opportunity for growth.

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Guelph seeking to leverage social infrastructure funding to reclaim IMICO and advance affordable housing strategy

Guelph pursuing mixed-use development for 200 Beverley Street Inclusive of Affordable Housing 

Guelph, Ont., May 19, 2016–Guelph City Council supports the idea of a mixed-use commercial, residential and affordable housing development at 200 Beverley Street—the former International Malleable Iron Company (IMICo) property.

City Council has asked City staff to prepare the business terms for a mix of commercial, residential and affordable housing development and report back by the end of the year.

“Preparing the property for this kind of development aligns with Guelph’s affordable housing strategy by making good use of surplus real estate assets,” says Peter Cartwright, general manager of the City’s business development and enterprise department. “Also, with Provincial and Federal governments showing support for brownfield redevelopment, infrastructure renewal and affordable housing initiatives, we’re in a good position to take advantage of potential funding opportunities from other levels of government.”

At this point, the City is not approving a specific plan; it will prepare business terms and conditions with potential investors who have expressed an interest in developing the property.

The City is looking forward to working with the County of Wellington on this and other potential affordable housing initiatives.

Related Links

Environmental condition of 200 Beverley Street
Questions and answers about 200 Beverly Street
Site history and related reports
Benefits of brownfield redevelopment
For more information

Peter Cartwright, General Manager
Business Development and Enterprise
519-822-1260 extension 2820
[email protected]

Changes to Silurian Drive On-Street Parking

On May 3, 2016 a City Notice was sent to homes along Silurian Drive notifying residents of upcoming changes to on-street parking.  Specifically, the notice was in response to a resident concerned about the ability for emergency vehicles, buses and waste collection vehicles to access the street when vehicles are parked on both sides.  I investigated this for myself on Friday May 6th and followed up with staff for a more thorough explanation (See staff responses below). Continue reading

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